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This will get recovered, I got him to give my his pass lololololol

[warning]This user was warned for making a post that broke one of RuneGear's rules. -staff[/warning]

get anything you need or its still left, since i posted it on other forums!
Too lazy to start up a vpn. Runescape hacking is not allowed, regardless, thanks.
i just tryed it and it don't work, so etheir someone got it here, or he changed his pass, but thanks anyways...
I was the first one in the thread, but I didn't bother with this.
I am probably going to guess that you hacked it then you gave it away so you don't leave your IP on the account.
LMS!!! hey sexy how you been lol, you havnt been on css for like a week
And the 1 post gets the account, am I suprised.. no.
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