Free: 7000 Twitter followers


In order to get the followers, you need to be sure you meet these requirments:

Twitter accounts must NOT be protected so that we can see your (re)tweet.
Please follow @seoclerks while participating
You can only retweet once per account
Your Twitter account must have 100 Followers or more.
Your Twitter account cannot have the default Twitter Profile Image
Your Twitter account should have more than 100 tweets
Your Twitter account must be at least 180 days old

If you meet these requirments, follow these steps:

1. First, you need to sign up for an account here.
2. Then, earn some free money here.
3. And after you have earn some $'s, spend them on 7000 followers here.

Your welcome and enjoy your followers!
Thanks man! I will be glad to see if this works. Checking it out right now! :)
I tried doing this a while back and it does not work anymore I believe.
It takes a while to actually get the followers