Free auths for everyone who can't join

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Username: Noob owner1
What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ):
To bot till i die
Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):
Auto summoner pro
Username: jsp418
What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ):
To live life to the fullest
Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):
any slayer bot
Aidan said:
...been waiting a day...

yeah dude, if you wait he will pm you the auths, i got mine, and still waiting on some of them, just be patient and you will get them
Username: Fast Don't Lie
What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ): To get a successful career.

Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.): AutoThieverPro OR AutoThiever NX
Aww I definitely posted before you said you need 50 posts
What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ):
420(Not 42, 420, if you know what the means)
Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):
Slayerpro please
What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ):Runescape

Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):AUTORC.

thanks man .

nvm man i don't have 50 posts anyways ty for your time
Username: Vegeta
What is the meaning of life (lol question :laugh: ):
/b/.. duh?
Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):
Auto Theiving Guild? I would love you forever!
What is the meaning of life (lol question ):
Auth code you desire (One auth per person, don't be stupid.):superheater pro
Okay. I have begun the process of sending everyone (who meets the requirments) their wanted auths. Also, Ichiii, I can't send pms to you because you have it in the options to not recieve pms.
These leechers are pissing me off. Like to the point I want to punch my computer screen, I hate how they act all innocent and happy like " I would like auto thieving thxbro I love u " and shit, give them the auth and you will NEVER see them ever again
OH NO WONDER im not getting Pms. Fuck im going to change it
Oh well. That's how it works I guess.

Also, wtf, how am I winning this contest? said:
Oh well. That's how it works I guess.

Also, wtf, how am I winning this contest?

Your loved and contribute to this forum alot XD well deserved
Upto page 5 now. Taking for ever to send the pms -.- said:
Upto page 5 now. Taking for ever to send the pms -.-
need any help?? pm me let me know
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