Free Dog Food


Power member.
This is a nice quick method on how to get any Purina dog food for free. This is SE'ing. But it's so simple. Feel free to delete this thread if it's against the rules.

1. Go to this link right here and fill out all the info.

2.You don't need the UPS or the manufacturing code.

3. Type something like this. Do not copy exactly.
Hey, 2 days ago I purchased your (desired dog food you would like to get). I fed it to my dogs yesterday and I was happy and so were they. They enjoyed it a lot. But today, they were very sick. I think it was from the dog food. I took them to the vet and he confirmed that it was from the food. I am pretty disappointed and so are my dogs.

4. Send that.

5. Wait a few days to receive your email. How mine looked like..

6. Receive your vouchers in the mail!
