Free drink method

631 said:
Damn man i didnt know that you can do that thanks
Dun even try, or @shift and I will have Secret service at your door for using this illegal blackhat method in a conspiracy against the president.
Morpheus said:
Dun even try, or @shift and I will have Secret service at your door for using this illegal blackhat method in a conspiracy against the president.

Sorry sorry i dont know that i couldnt do this
631 said:
Sorry sorry i dont know that i couldnt do this

Alright, since your begging I'll let you off with a warning this time, but just know @shift can get CIA or FBI alerted anytime he wants.
Morpheus said:
Alright, since your begging I'll let you off with a warning this time, but just know @shift can get CIA or FBI alerted anytime he wants.

ok i did not know, i will not even think about trying this
Kk the cops be at your house tmmrw 8 am GG noob have fun in prison.
P.S dun get raped.

i got you my nigga doing it rn
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