[FREE] Dungeoneering, WCing, Hunter, Druid AUTH

Thank you man! I'll be using that dungeoneering bot!
Do you have a minerbot or woodcutting bot? Not one from here they'll be closed soon to many leechers taken em.
Majestic Manson said:
I also have to thank you for the auths. Might as well use 'em while I can :x

id say "while you can" will get you to 15 woodcutting max LOL! look how many people made accounts JUST to get these auths, this is going to been terminated VERY soon.
Ireppgold said:
id say "while you can" will get you to 15 woodcutting max LOL! look how many people made accounts JUST to get these auths, this is going to been terminated VERY soon.

I'm using the Hunter one, I already have 99 WC :x
I mean, I'm not worried if they terminate on me anytime soon. Free levels is free levels. Already got 20 Hunter levels, :]
Majestic Manson said:
I'm using the Hunter one, I already have 99 WC :x
I mean, I'm not worried if they terminate on me anytime soon. Free levels is free levels. Already got 20 Hunter levels, :]

yeh true lol, im currently on the auto fighter getting me some $$
Cows and ony like 40k an hour. Better than anything I've made in f2p so far
lol good luck.. Mine coal an hour and u'll see how much more u'll get
Any free mining auth ? I've heard minings good but I don't know any free auths for it
Ireppgold said:
Cows and ony like 40k an hour. Better than anything I've made in f2p so far

Ahhh, I gotcha.

(Going off topic)
If you want easy prayer levels, grab a powerbot script that picks up and buries bones that are on the ground, and bot in the Stronghold of Security. I know in F2P there are tons of bots killing Minotaurs, and I have a F2P account that just runs around and buries all the bones. Idk what your levels are, just assuming that they may be low if you're F2P. No offense, just offering an idea. :x

(Back on topic.)
Idk what to tell you to kill to make cash. I've been botting for awhile, but Idk all the scripts and what they do. I just have a few I like to use every now and then, and I'm now experimenting with more. I've only ever botted Yews for cash, and that was awhile ago. So, we'll see. :x
I'm rather confident the Dungeoneering bot was the first to get disabled. Anyways, thanks for the share.
Ireppgold said:
Any free mining auth ? I've heard minings good but I don't know any free auths for it

kminer - 106xz162V2JN63VWA2
It reads that it's still active on my bot, but I haven't used it yet. Lemme know if it's worth my time
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