Free Minus accounts!


Power member.
Well I've been blowing off work and just finding some random user names. If you want them, just drop a PM and I'll give you all the info, for free.

Account names(That haven't been taken):
-Shakur(As in Tupac)

Taken names:

Ask and you shall receive, all are free.
Oh and once you gain one, a reply to the thread verifying that would be great for myself.
Thanks, and sorry if they're not amazing. OG's aren't my thing.
Just bored.
I would like Petal. If we can get more than one, lmk
CRATE said:
I would like Petal. If we can get more than one, lmk
Sure, I'll send you the login info for petal.
You may ask for more then one (2) as well. :)
*I'm a hypocritical fgt.
OK I also want Maroon, Shakur, SemperFedilis, Splint, Ceiling, FunnyJunk, Smoothie, Photosynthesis, and Magnesium. Thank you!
CRATE said:
OK I also want Maroon, Shakur, SemperFedilis, Splint, Ceiling, FunnyJunk, Smoothie, Photosynthesis, and Magnesium. Thank you!

Well Jesus man, I'll have to put a cap on that at least, god I am such a hypocrite, I'll limit it to two per person, so I'll drop Petal in the PM'S. Just tell me the other one as well, my god I wasn't expecting that..Sorry if it's a bit rude, but others should get a chance .-.
I'll take Smoothie then thanks and no dont feel bad
Can I please have " InkHeart"
Oh right, updated. I'll be AFK for awhile. But I have a feeling that the rest of the names are undesirables.