Well I've been blowing off work and just finding some random user names. If you want them, just drop a PM and I'll give you all the info, for free.
Account names(That haven't been taken):
-Shakur(As in Tupac)
Taken names:
Ask and you shall receive, all are free.
Oh and once you gain one, a reply to the thread verifying that would be great for myself.
Thanks, and sorry if they're not amazing. OG's aren't my thing.
Just bored.
Well Jesus man, I'll have to put a cap on that at least, god I am such a hypocrite, I'll limit it to two per person, so I'll drop Petal in the PM'S. Just tell me the other one as well, my god I wasn't expecting that..Sorry if it's a bit rude, but others should get a chance .-.