Hello Fellow RuneGear Members. Its EXOTiK here and im writing up this guide for you Runescapers Enjoy This guide and post, to keep it alive!
1. Scorpion Catcher
Requirements for This Quest:
Only 31 Prayer
2. Starting Cash (Anywhere from 10M-2147M)
Tip; More GP, MORE Profit/Hour.
We are Going to Buy
Steam Battlestave's for MAX
Turn them Into Mystic Steam Battlestave's and Sell for Med-MAX
How do we do This?
We goto the Wizard on the Top Floor in the Tower North of the Cammy Bank
Pay Him 40K _OR_ 27K( You need Part 3 of the Seers Diary Completed ) and Then Enchant Your Staff
If we Take 100K Profit/Staff ( I.E, Paying 40K/Staff )
We make 2.7M/Inventory
It takes 3 Minutes for 1 Inventory
20 Inventorys in 60 Minutes which is 1 Hour
2.7M Profit/Inventory
2.7M x 20 Inventorys : 54M Cash!
If you Repost this guide anywhere other then RUNEGEAR.NET Please give me the credits. Thanks and Enjoy the guide!