Free RS Membership!

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Just post with the format below.

Why do you want it?:
Why do you want it?: Because my parents are as tight as hell and wont buy me mems :'( Would mean the world to me if you would give me it :D
Why do you want it?: Because I am trying to buy it for like 2 months, my paypal is limited for 10 times. My earned money is getting stolen by paypal=/

Good luck everyone:)
Wow after i fucking beg saged to buy me one you have this.
This saddens me.
Why I want it? Well it's quite simple, my pure has only member skills trained and only in the member worlds I can continue with my pure. Thanks for doing this.
Why do you want it?: i really want to finnish getting 99 wc on my Pure but i cant bank my items as my bank is full, 97 wc atm :) would be my first 99 and i can throw a party :D
Why?: Because I'd give you 4mil if you did. Win?
Why do you want it?: My RS membership is running out and I have no way of getting another membership code.
Lol. Saged, I just went ad bought this. I barely play RS. I bought it to give it away BUT I am willing to give it to you for free, Saged. Of course., you will have to the me another reason on why you want it. =P
Why do you want it?: Hello Dusk, firstly I would like to say thank you for holding these fantastic contests that everyone loves. Anyway, I would like RuneScape Membership because I would like to make alot of money, buy RG Elite for people and make them happy :)
Why do I want it? : Because it is not for me, it is for a friend of mine at school. I personally put all my accounts on my debit card. My buddy wants to start playing again but refuses to unless he can get membership. So technically you aren't giving it to me but to my friend Erik
Why do i want it? So i can bot on other stuff as well :)
Why do you want it?: Cause I got hacked and the fucking ass bought me 1 year member with hacked pp then disputed so I got my account banned :( all cash and stats gone so now i'm on my str pure with 6 pray hope I get this so 99 str WIN :p
Why do you want it?
Well, I don't really need or want it for my self, I'd like to nominate RuneScape for being such a sexy member. Helped me a lot. <3
Honestly, I only want it because I have 7 days left and am close to 99 fletching. I just bought Techno his member, full price.. so idk, there are probably people more 'worthy' lol.
Alright I will give it to Saged. PM me. I will host another contest, I'm going to the store to by another. Be back in 10 minutes haha
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