nodnarb said:Lol wut.
Also was YC you? Meanbean insinuated it was someone else imposter-vading (new thing all the rage)
Lame123 said:Da fuq you on about kid?
Jamil said:I no teh end is ner bcuz i went otside nd n da sky wuz EMP from modrn wrfare 3.
Pandas said:o noez pls tel mi mure so i cun tell mi mum and shi b scered
Lame123 said:Da fuq you on about kid?
nodnarb said:Wanna act like you dont know me now? Fuck you "kid".
Jack Goff said:yo @"nodnarb" wat up doe, pm me your skype or do you never go on
nodnarb said:Don't really go on much. Im not even sure if I remember account details. If I dig them up i'll PM you.
And lame, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez suck ass. Seriously.
Lame123 said:M8 u jelly cause no one knows who that fucking friend zantz is or whaterever the fuck his name is.
Haterz finna hattez
I bet you think the beatles are shit and ton can't play the geetar
nodnarb said:Nope claptons a beast and I still like the beatles actually.
Lame123 said:Kill yourself kid.
Whoever that YC person is, he was a beast amongst peasant's
nodnarb said:Nope just a pretentious newfag with music tastes a la hot topic
Lame123 said:I think every person who joins sythe get:s turned into a pretentious self loathing asshole.
Not speaking from personal experience.
Now don't mind me going to listen to time out of mind. The best album ever recorded in the last 30 years.
Okay 4chan user, let's use grammar. Yeah?nodnarb said:>talks shit
>attempts to pardon
>ban evades
nodnarb said:>talks shit
>attempts to pardon
>ban evades