Le fruit baskets have been formed. Puppet already made a pardon and expect one from johnnyq soon. All mods that support his pardon or my pardon will receive a festive fruit basket delivered by USPS Overnight shipping. So go ahead @n4n0, throw Puppy a support. Link is below. http://www.sythe.org/request-pardon/1661229-puppet-master-pardon-scam-ban-evasion.html
Ik your posting this to better your chances of getting unbanned but the amount of cum in your mouth right now is just unhealthy. I luv u john but we all know how you feel about your original ban reason and the night of 12/1/13. It seems you have forgotten. Fuck the system and stick with your beliefs don't let the man bring you down.
Ik your posting this to better your chances of getting unbanned but the amount of cum in your mouth right now is just unhealthy. I luv u john but we all know how you feel about your original ban reason and the night of 12/1/13. It seems you have forgotten. Fuck the system and stick with your beliefs don't let the man bring you down.