So today I log on Runescape to train some range because I had 94 range and was going for 99 bough 20k chins blablab so I log on and I see every fucking skill is suddenly 10 fucking 10 my brain jams I coudnt think I thoughy wtfffffffffffffffffffffffff I fucking dont know what to do and my fucking mage was also 94 did alot of quest I have botted some thing but not alot mostly I was just playing legitly like chinning ? I really dont know what I did,and what should I do have I any change of getting my skills back ?
So today I log on Runescape to train some range because I had 94 range and was going for 99 bough 20k chins blablab so I log on and I see every fucking skill is suddenly 10 fucking 10 my brain jams I coudnt think I thoughy wtfffffffffffffffffffffffff I fucking dont know what to do and my fucking mage was also 94 did alot of quest I have botted some thing but not alot mostly I was just playing legitly like chinning ? I really dont know what I did,and what should I do have I any change of getting my skills back ?