GameFreak award buyin


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If you would like to purchase the award I will be selling it

4$ paypal or 4 koins
I'll probably buy this, once I sell my kik
(keep this open pls)
Dope ass award! I can see @1337 and @basedgod buying this
Not a bad award. Don't have the koins nor the money though.
Could you pm me about this? May have a deal you're interested in.
i got the Award instantly FAST looks really nice thanks!
Sintation said:
I buy pick this up later, I like the logo.

What award did this replace by the way?

It replaced the Invincible award from hope
@pandas award granted thanks for purchasing it still selling guys
It's a hell of an award, I love it.
you have been granted the award lucky you and the award have the same name
One of the best awards ok FK but I still think my idea was better
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