Gamerpics Ban


if you use a gamerpic injector will you get banned

and who has one
Didnt think they would start banning for this lol. Easy way to bypass it though put on the gamerpic you want then delete the pack they'll never know.
wow... goes to show how LQ these members are lol

OT : I haven't heard a case of someone getting banned for "modding" gamerpics.
If you're searching for a program to get gamerpics I suggest to use Horizon.
Nah you won't get banned.Have been using gamerpicture injectors for years now.
You won't be suspended for using Horizon's 'Gamer-Pic Pack Creator'. Just make sure you're only using/downloading gamer-pictures that are available in the Marketplace, otherwise you will most likely get reported and receive a suspension or have your gamer-picture privileges revoked.
I asked will you get banned
Read the post again kiddo.

Can someone send me the download link to it.
The download link for Horizon can be located by clicking HERE.

Visit XboxMB for support (or PM me) by clicking HERE.
Thanks ill download if after school if I have questions ill pm you UZI.
Sniping said:
Thanks ill download if after school if I have questions ill pm you UZI.

Alright man, sounds good. I also have an active profile on XboxMB, so you can contact me there also. Thanks.
No you wont. I've been using GT injectors for a long time. No ban.
I used one for the first time sometime around the middle of 2010 and I haven't gotten banned. I don't think you'll get banned for it since I haven't heard of anyone else doing it. Don't fuck with modding avatars though, a few of my friends got permabanned for that.
@OP i hope you get the post count you want with another LQ pointless thread. And you won't get banned, i've used the injector for 3 years now and havn't received one.
I Have About 300 For a year now lol
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