Gamertag: Cole

Good luck finding that lol I'm pretty sure nobody here has that tag
It's a V1 tag buddy gonna have to wait for it to reset.
Before making a thread about this, please check if its a v1.

this is useless
I'm just curious as to why you stole the user Cole's sig and now asking who has the gamertag..?
Strap said:
I'm just curious as to why you stole the user Cole's sig and now asking who has the gamertag..?

Hmmm I was thinking the same thing.
Vortex said:
Dick ride much faggot??

You're mad

Vouch. lmao

Nigga I got that tag nuff said. I created it on the org xbox and it's a V1 cause of me

Cole said:
Vouch. lmao

Nigga I got that tag nuff said. I created it on the org xbox and it's a V1 cause of me


why don't you recover it...
I know who has C o L e but he wants like 100$ for it.
Jerry said:
I know who has C o L e but he wants like 100$ for it.

it's "C o l e" and do you own it? I see your tag on it's friends list.
Yes I do know who owns it.
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