Hey guys, today I'm giving away the gamertag "No N*ns*nse".
If you can't figure out the tag; PM me and I'll tell you.
One simple rule:
Don't post the same number that a user before you has posted. Even if it's not yet updated in the OP. Take the time and see if it's taken!
Winner will be selected via Random.org
1. 187
2. Ecstasy
3. Cult
4. Leader
WINNER: http://prntscr.com/1ntceq
5. Goodbyee
6. Hysteria
7. azmo
8. Pun
9. Profanity
10. Neff
11. JohnG
12. #Xander
13. Noscopev2
14. Difficult
15. Synchronize
If you can't figure out the tag; PM me and I'll tell you.
One simple rule:
Don't post the same number that a user before you has posted. Even if it's not yet updated in the OP. Take the time and see if it's taken!
Winner will be selected via Random.org
1. 187
2. Ecstasy
3. Cult
4. Leader
WINNER: http://prntscr.com/1ntceq
5. Goodbyee
6. Hysteria
7. azmo
8. Pun
9. Profanity
10. Neff
11. JohnG
12. #Xander
13. Noscopev2
14. Difficult
15. Synchronize