Gamertag Giveaway


Sweeter Than Ever
I have never done a giveaway before so this will be my first ever one xx

Tag: ECONOM*C Hint: L-emon (Look a like tag) the real one is apparently banned x.

1) @Dysphoria
2) @Maximum
3) @outstayed
4) @fuckboy
5) @Clinic
6) @Gemstone
7) @Joker
8) @Galaxies
9) @gunnar
10) @Yuki

Even if you don't like it, surely someone you know will like it

Hope it goes successful xxx
yay thanks for this! I don't game so I'm not going to enter but this is nice of you
Thank you for joining the giveaway @Joker . This is my first ever give away and im a little slow. im going to do my best
You are now registered @Gemstone
Welcome to the giveaway @clinic and @Outstayed xx
Ohhh Mister @Dysphoria !!!! xx welcome. ill put you as number 1.
Nine ok @Gunnar xx. Welcome to giveaway
Ok @galaxies xx. Enjoy the giveaway
I'll enter to fill a spot andif I win I'll give it to who ever wanted it the most! Thanks for this!
First giveaway? You go girl, btw let me take any spot left. Thankxx
oooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh


lemme take that
I'll take #4 the last spot thank homie
Sorry @Winner . @fuckboy beat you too that last slot x. The giveaway will be over soon, goodluck to everyone xx. When I get up and do my hair lol, ill announce the winner.

Congratulations. Number 5 won!! Good job @Clinic
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