Gamertag Section Guide (Updated)


Well-Known Member
Gamertag Section


Selling your tag successfully
Beware of being scammed
Payment Options
Known Sellers
Terms and Regulations


The Gamertag section is strictly made for buying, selling, and/or trading gamertags/Xbox accounts.

Posting any other content will result in the removal of your thread and/or a warning level may be attached to your profile.

To keep this section safe we ask to please report any unwanted threads/posts such as 'Marketplace Violation','Wrong Forum','Unrelated and/or Off-topic Posts' by clicking the "Report" button which entitles you to report the post.


OG - Original Gamertag - is only a stem/core/root of a word. For example the tag "Face" would be OG but Faces would not.
GT - Gamertag - also known as "Tag"
Semi-OG - Semi-original Gamertags - Deaths, Falling, Particles, Demons + Plural Tags ending with ed,s.
GS - Gamerscore - Self explanatory.
DLC - Downloadable Content.
GoD - Games on demand.
MSP - Microsoft Points.
V1 - A V1 Gamertag is a gamertag from the Original Xbox that Microsoft resets every whenever they want a cool tag for themselves, also known as an account with no WLID associated with it. Example: I have the tag "A tom" when MS resets it(They take it for themselves and claim it) it becomes available to change to "Atom"
Spaced GT - A tom (Any tag that's a word with space/s in it)
GLWS/T - Good Luck With Sales/Trades.
HMU - Hit Me Up.
HHU - Hit him/her up.
Sketchy - Non-trusted user, doesn't want to use a MM or MW. Is selling something that doesn't belong to them or is lying about something they're buying selling or trading.
MM - Middle-Man - A person who holds any sort of account and secures them while payment/trade is made, thus making sure the payment/trade is scomplete with no scams (Very little)
MW - Middle-Woman - (Stated Above)
UA - Unauthorized access.

Selling your tag successfully

In order to sell your account you first need to have one (Goes without saying)
Now that you're ready sell sell an account you must first remember that providing sufficient proof to buyers is the biggest key. This can be done by using screenshot software and/or showing them on the console you do for sure own the item/s you're selling.

The most common screenshot program is called Gyazo, which can be downloaded free using this link:

If you are selling a Main Account with stats, tenure, live, DLC or GoD using screenshots is highly recommended and makes you look like a more commited seller.

After all this is done you will need to set a price on your account, once done you're all ready to open a new thread.

Beware of being scammed

Now this should be commons sense by now, avoid sketchy users who claim to have this or that. Do some background checks on the user you may deal with and also don't be afraid to ask questions. I'd rather ask questions and look stupid than be scammed, true?
Be sure to always use a trusted MM/MW such as myself or any of these willing people in the list below:

Fresh Prince

I've handpicked these people as I know for a fact they're legit because of my previous deals with them, you shouldn't have a worry in the world. I cannot stress anymore if none of these listed people are available just wait until they are. Don't rush into a deal, the chance of being scammed is far to high.
Remember: Philly is the only Official Middleman, there is a fee if you use him, everyone else is NOT allowed to charge for a MM/MW. If using a member as a MM/MW, you're still dealing at your own risk. Make sure to check vouch pages and as I said before, do a background/history check.

Payment Options

First I will start by listing the known common types of payment options and the security of them.

LR - Liberty Reserve - This is no longer a method of payment.
BTC - BitCoin - Bitcoin is called a cryptocurrency, It's not cheap and may be hard to come by, this can be mined and used for blackhat activities. When sending a BTC payment you cannot refund this or get your money back.
WU - Western Union - This is a rare payment option as getting the funds is not as easy as say Paypal, this payment method is fast and secure ensuring no attempt at a chargeback will occur.
MP - MoneyPak - This card is bought at your local Wall-mart or 7/11 store, this payment option CANNOT be refunded once you've redeemed it. So be careful when dealing.
PP - Paypal - One of the most insecure ways of sending a payment, ensure you have full trust in the user who sends you this. Using this method makes it easy for scammers to "Scam" so please beware and take the appropriate precautions when accepting a Paypal payment.


There is not perfect price to an Xbox account or gamertag, the price is generally set up to whatever the seller/trader wants. If you don't agree with these prices please don't trash the threads. If it was done to you, I know for a fact you would dislike it, don't be that person.

Known Sellers

The people I'm about to list are not vouched by staff nor anyone of significance, remember these people are normal members and you'll be dealing at your own risk.

Fresh Prince
The Green Panda

Terms and Regulations

If anyone chooses to sell their gamertag within this sub-forum you're not the one to judge whether it's bad or not or worth whatever the price is that they're asking. Everyone in this section has the right to be left alone and sell/buy/trade/re-sell/re-buy without any hassles. To an extent sales trashing is allowed but not to the extent where swearing and curse words are used. If a user is sketchy and you have proof, please feel free to make a little post on your dealing. Let others know of your experience.

If you need an appraisal, please visit the Appraisals section.
If you've been scammed and want to make a report, please post in the Scammers Bay, not in this section.
If you want to discuss anything related to gamertags or Xbox accounts, please feel free to post a topic in the Market Korner or the Gaming Market.

This is pretty good chill. Will help many users.
This is perfectly organized, hope everyone reads this!
This should be stickied.
Great guide here by Chill, definitely worthy of a sticky.
Nice thread you got there chill this should be sticky.
Nice thorough guide on pretty much everything you need to know when it comes to Gamertags & Xbox. Also appreciate the clarification on OG/Semi Gamertags for those people that were calling tags like "Toileted" OG
I would stick this thread all over my room.
This is an amazing thread to those that are entering the gamertag selling field, thanks for making this post Chill
This thread is definitely sticky-bound. A thread like this would have benefited me back when I first joined the "scene". Good work bud.
This is pretty helpful Chill nice lay out as well. This should help a lot of new Members out.
Am I not worthy being known as a trusted MM? I have never had a scam report opened on me, and have Middle manned a ton of deals here? Also done alot of buying and selling.
Just bumping this up to the top for everyone to see if they haven't already.

I will also be adding/removing members at any given time from both of these lists.
Great thread, Chill. Keep this updated.
This is perfect Chill and it will help many newer users. Hopefully this gets stickied because it deserves to be stickied.