Gamertag Value


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I just created the gamertag Sulfate. I was very surprised that this has not been taken, but anyways, could someone tell me if this is worth anything?

Simply curious.
Wrong section, try putting this into the Appraisals section
Hmm, i have heard this word before.. how was this not taken lol...
probably worth...more than $20. im not too sure.
Vouch he has the tag. I have no clue how he randomly got it. Jordan get on sexbox
wtf! such a nice tag! lol.. i work with a lot of barbers and female cosmoteolgoeojfsijfats lol what ever its called.. and sulfate is in a lot of shampoos,treatments,etc.. nice tag. mod should move this to appraisals
Not much, 15-20 max.. If it was Sulfur then yes it would be alot more.
Id say around 20-30 Or even more in this marketplace. Sulfate is SO3 i believe, I'm taking chemistry right now so for me this is a very common word.