Gamertags everyone?


Power member.
What's everyones GT's within the FK community? I would like to play with some new people!
You may add me. My gamertag is "Beats FK".
Feel free to add me man, my GT is Garters
LLL TRY HARD (the tag I post in public so my main doesnt get banned lol)
Slacker said:
LLL TRY HARD (the tag I post in public so my main doesnt get banned lol)

Why would it get banned for telling people to add you?
Day said:
Why would it get banned for telling people to add you?

Microsoft is being a big bucket of faggots lately lol

rather lost my tag that isnt decent then my nice tag(s)
Simple said:
*cough* Beats sucks at racing.. *cough*

Lol I know I do suck. PM me your tag. I don't recognize you.
GT: Huggies. Don't play much but when I'm on I'll accept your friend request.
Poop said:
GT: Huggies. Don't play much but when I'm on I'll accept your friend request.

Just added you. hope we could play some time!
Terminal is mine, if my FL is full, message me or some shit, I'll clear out a spot.
Pick said:
is your tag for sale ? im just wondering i really love mw2

Not talking about this here. You want to talk to me, pm me.
Should I censor my tag for some reason? Lol

Aqua Yo

everyone add me
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