Gamertags like, "Freeze" and "Nebraska" - (Dead Tags)


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Does anyone know if they will ever "reset" or bring back these types of tags that no one has...
I'm pretty sure if anyone knew which I doubt someone does they wouldn't tell you.
Melt said:
There are tons of dead tags though, so its fine.
I'm well aware of that but people aren't going to tell you && if someone says they know there lying.
I don't believe so. Tags can take years to reset. If they have then I'm sure someone has taken them.
If they're deleted then in all likelihood they will never return.
That's not what I wanted to hear I really want the tag Freeze
you've been told wrong, deleted tags do get reset ever so often. but the chances of you getting one are very slim, just run a hug list of tags that are v1s, deleted, etc and maybe one day you'll get lucky
BrickSquad said:
you've been told wrong, deleted tags do get reset ever so often. but the chances of you getting one are very slim, just run a hug list of tags that are v1s, deleted, etc and maybe one day you'll get lucky

It will take me a while to compile that list but thanks man !
I am pretty sure one day?? :/ They might be reset by those lazy ass employees. :/
Whoever told you deleted tags wont comeback that's a lie. They do come back. And NOBODY knows when a v1 will be deleted sorry to say...
No one knows when they are released back into society. I'm so tired of seeing these threads people need to learn how to use the search button. Erased tags have been known to come back Example " Mystery ". V1's on the other hand NONE have been released since the last reset wave. The only V1's that have been erased are for MS employee's only. Pretty much everyone with a spaced out tag is stuck with it and need to give up and stop saying in there sales threads that it will be reset soon because thats such a BS lie lol. Hope I helped but in the end no one knows shit and if they say they do they are talking out there ass. / Thread
They cannot. Once Microsoft FNC's or deletes an account with a specific gamertag, it is banished from the database and cannot be recycled.
Vortex ム said:
They cannot. Once Microsoft FNC's or deletes an account with a specific gamertag, it is banished from the database and cannot be recycled.

Yeah well Mystery was erased / FNC and was remade a couple months ago so you sir are wrong.
EDIT: Same with Uno was jacked a long time ago erased and was released again.
Same with Fame they deleted it and the owner got it back a couple days ago so its not " Bansished "
RespecT FeaR said:
Yeah well Mystery was erased / FNC and was remade a couple months ago so you sir are wrong.

Well... I stand corrected. I'm certain my support agent told me that they cannot reintroduce a username to their database.
Vortex ム said:
Well... I stand corrected. I'm certain my support agent told me that they cannot reintroduce a username to their database.

No offense a support agent come on lol I'm not even going to say anything after that statement.
EDIT: Unless your support agent is like top 10 MS employees they wont Know jack shit they just guess like the rest of us.
RespecT FeaR said:
No offense a support agent come on lol I'm not even going to say anything after that statement.

I know it's ridiculous to believe but there's no proof of any deleted tags coming back that I've seen.
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