Instead of having all the gaming sections crammed in one section but up some Sub categories that would make it cleaner instead of trying to find post about a console you have instead of one you dont want.
You might be right now that. I haven't' been here long enough to see that yet. But on The Discussion Lobby we had our gaming section one of our most popular sections but who knows might be different here.
You might be right now that. I haven't' been here long enough to see that yet. But on The Discussion Lobby we had our gaming section one of our most popular sections but who knows might be different here.
It could very well turn out to be a active section soon, but Crayo has a very strict policy on adding new sections and sub-forums for the sake of it looking un-professional if it's empty. This is why we wait for enough threads of a certain subject to come around so we can move all of those to a newly made sub-forum or section. Do you see what I'm trying to say?