Genepool's GT's



*I do also have the GT "Spawn Frag" but I have to post proof for it.

PM me any questions
Skype: For-The-Ladies
AIM: Spawn Frag
Thanks for posting proof and good luck with salea.
Fallon Is very immature, excuse him. I would like to trade anticip8 for anything in my sig?
im serious i want to buy Idle Sway for 100. how is that immature?
Wow Fallon is really immature..
Are Reach Field and Marshall all one words?
Like "Reach" "Field" and "Marshall"

Jon said:
Glws and thanks for posting proof. Im letting you know your only allowed to bump your thread in the MARKETPLACE section every 24 hours

Hahaha thanks Jon, I think I bumped like 6 days after posting xD would you be willing to MM for me if anyone is interested in my tags?

Leafs said:
Thanks for posting proof and good luck with salea.

Thanks Leafs, also like Jon would you ever be willing to MM for me if someone is interested in any of my tags.

Phantom said:
Some pretty nice COD GT's here, GLWS.

Thanks man haha, yeah gotta love COD related tags.
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