Generic RuneScape Names - I Hate Them!

Do Generic Sloppy RuneScape Usernames Bother You?

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Onyx user!
It's always been one of my pet peeve's.
I hate seeing people whose username is something so UGLY such as
I don't know if that is a real username, but nevertheless.
And for God's sake, why not capitalize it?
I mean for real which looks better?
supergayfaguglyname or SuperGayFagUglyName

No offense to you people out there who like names like that, but for some reason it really frustrates me.
Originality is FTW.

The only exception to this is if they are botting.
Then it is wise to have a name such as this so that people don't try to strike a conversation with you about your name.
Also, it's harder to report someone if their name is something like lllIllIllIlIlIII.
Just a little tip there if you're botting.
You can always change it to something original when your botting is done.
I did this. I went on a website that generates random nouns, I put it to unused words. I generated words and if they sounded cool, I'd see if they are avaliable. Took me a while to find mine. I like it.
Bought an account that is named ililililili or something like that, it pisses me off thank god I can change it in two days
I hate those kinda names, its just tooo many numbers, but its much better when its a name that is hard to report, unlike mine :L kol360
I hate those illilil names. Everyone knows you are a botter if you have the name. Some people will go out of the way to make sure they get your name right to report you.
Apoclyo here add one letter and you have my mains name.... ....
I totally agree with this. Originality is the way to go. Either stick with a two-worded name, or one. Seeing numbers also makes me wanna puke.
all my names are original, i despise every other style
Haha my names ACrazyMethod :]
I have a random name for botting tbh, though i don't care if i get banned.
I personally love them, who would you rather stake/fight, Pokemone8236 or DeathzPkerz?
Aidan said:
I personally love them, who would you rather stake/fight, Pokemone8236 or DeathzPkerz?

Lollol. Aiden does have a point.
those aren't exactly generic names, generic names are I runegear I, runegear pk, Rune Gear Xx, etc. those names I'm not too fond of unless they're oldschool, like I Wicked I, Hiei The Pk, Half Life Xx, etc
Lol. Op is a runehipster. My name in rs is fresh34545784 gf.
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