I'm going to keep this short and simple. I am selling an extremely private method a few lucky users. This will allow you to receive over $100,000 worth of Google advertising credits for free. This will never run out, and you can seriously spread your CPA/PPD/affiliate links and make an unbelievable amount of money This method is not blackhat.
The normal price is $150, but I am offering this for $50 to 5 people only.
What you will get:
- Method itself.
- My full help. If necessary, I will do it for you.
- Tips on how to monetize this
This is an email Google sent me. As you can see, $10,000 a month is essentially $120,000 a year.
For any more questions contact me at asawinski@hotmail.com or add my skype which is shenanigans61
I just have some questions. Like log0008 already asked, is this legitimate? Google is a big company and they have lots of funds to sue back if this is not legitimate.
That's what I am saying. $100, 000 is a lot of money and Google losing that amount is a big deal. Imagine 10 people taking advantage of this method. That's 1Million dollar down the drain for Google. I wouldn't risk it.
lol baseless and illegal
what are u giving us? a book or a demo? answer nothing. what is in your method and its way . You described nothing so no one will risk 50$ for it. Another thing if your method is legitimate then u will surely sell it in 500$ rathar in just 50