Get Free Subway


1. First you will have to go here.

2. Fill in your name, address etc. (Use your real email address or you won't be able to receive anything as they will ask for a verification.)

3. After that go to the subway site of your country. You can easily find it using your best friend Google.

4. Now we have to make up a story about our sandwich which ended to taste horrible. Add that you come there almost every day to eat a sub with your friends, this is so that they know you are a customer that visits often and didn't just eat there for the first time. What you also want to add is which sub you bought and that you eat this one all the time, I like to use tuna because it expires quite fast.
DON'T SAY YOU BOUGHT A VEGGIE DELITE. (Not sure if it matters but I'm pretty sure it will fail and why waste your own time?)

5. Send your complaint in and wait for a few days. I believe they respond every Sunday.

6. Remember to look in your inbox and answer them so they can help you.

7. Give them out and enjoy your free food!
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