Get Xbox Avatar Items For Free How Much Should I Charge For This Service?


Onyx user!
Hello everyone

i have a method/service where i can mod/obtain any Avatar clothing form the avatar store for free, Even Props etc..

Which also i can obtain Rare Items such as Xbox live 10 Year Helmet , and other rare items

i haven't seen this service before
i did this service to my friends and non have been banned its been like 9-12 months no suspensions/bans i doubt you can get banned for this
i also did it to my main
BTW these are not codes<-

It does not does require a modded console
i dont even need to recover the account

it also requires Horizon/USB
this service is worthless

if you pay for this, you're an idiot
lol i can get someones xuid with one button
Horizon is a basic modding tool, anyone could do this. I don't mean to sales trash, but the items themselves aren't even legit, I don't know anyone who would actually care what is on their xbox avatar. Regardless, it's a fairly simple service, even if you did charge someone, don't expect a lot for the sheer fact that they aren't even real and it isn't very hard to do.
your right a lot of people dont care how their avatar looks than this service isnt for them that simple lol
i havent seen anyone do this especially get 10 year helmets ya they could get item but only from the games but thats it
theyre not real but they still show on your avatar and people can see them
╰ɵ───ɵ╯ said:
i remember people getting banned for modding their skin/eyes color
not this
YEAH THAT WAS THE ONE! I remember the pink dude crying over a ban on youtube
Anything that has to do with modding, their will always be a chance of getting banned.
I'd pay for this service I want the XBL 10 Helmet.
Tequila said:
I'd pay for this service I want the XBL 10 Helmet.

ya few people messaged me but i dont know how much i should charge
cause i know yall dont want to spend 150$+ for a helmet
╰ɵ───ɵ╯ said:
ya few people messaged me but i dont know how much i should charge
cause i know yall dont want to spend 150$+ for a helmet

If there is no ban.. I'll pay $30 - $40 But can't use BTC. LOL
Tequila said:
If there is no ban.. I'll pay $30 - $40 But can't use BTC. LOL

there has been no bans i did it to like 5 of my accounts still good
i want to charge 50$ per account for the helmet
I'll take the risk and I do it! I want it.!!! LOL I'll pay $35
Since it comes from Horizon, not worth anything as anyone could do it themselves.
Rare said:
Since it comes from Horizon, not worth anything as anyone could do it themselves.

how i haven't seen anyone do it them selves lol
especially rare items like the 10 year helmet
yes you can mod avatar items but only from games
not from Avatar store/rare dev items??
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