Get your pair of KontrolFreeks with 10% off!!


Power member.

KontrolFreek is the leading developer of innovative gaming accessories that enhance the gaming experience and give gamers of all skill levels the competitive edge.
KontrolFreek products are developed based on a careful study of ergonomics, ensuring each product also helps to reduce gamer fatigue, improving overall gaming comfort.

All members get 10% off on ANY purchase by using promo code, forumkorner. So be sure to use it to get a great deal on top of a great product!

PROMO CODE: forumkorner

My personal review on KontrolFreek's:[/CENTER]
Hey said:
how much do they sell for?

Anywhere from 10-30 dollars from what I seen. It depends on which on you want, or if you want multiple at once. If you goto the site which the link is above you will see the prices, and all the different ones.
Are you sponsored? My team back in the day use to be sponsored by them, our promo code was SexyNinjas ( no joke )
Poop said:
Are you sponsored? My team back in the day use to be sponsored by them, our promo code was SexyNinjas ( no joke )

Yeah I am basically sponsored by them.
I just bought the razr onza tournament controller because it has like kontrol freeks built into it already.
Are these things worth buying? I may be interested in this.
I'm going to buy a pair of these soon hope they are good .
Jump said:
I'm going to buy a pair of these soon hope they are good .

They are for sure worth it. When I get my new ones in I will make an unboxing video.
I got a controller at the controller shop much better investment
how good are these i thought about buying some but i dont know if they even help.