Gettin' turmoil at double exp weekend? [NO YOU'RE NOT!]


Just to inform the few of you guys that doesn't know this yet..

The double exp on the weekend will not be counted on gilded altars,
so if your planning getting turmoil by using bones on altar, you will be getting the same amount of exp as if there were no exp weekend (Also paying the same price).

So.. lul =D
RE: Gettin' turmoil at double exp weekend? [READ]

Link to where it says this please.
Alright, I already have 95 prayer. I think this won't affect me
Con Cax, you are one of my favorite members for shitting on almost everyone who is on this forum.
This is true, hope no one misses this and ends up spending all their cash on alters.
This is great info but also disappointing seriously ffs jagex way to ruin my hopes for prayer
LOL! soul war would be ridiculous 2x exp from soul war points :O if they hadn't kept limits

I was gonna get it anyway, off the double weekend. Doesn't affect me.
this happened last time too, because i was going to do it