Getting Maxed?


Active Member
I'm still in possession of my RS account that I started 6 or 7 years ago. It's got a few 99s, and 90+ in all cb stats. So, I kind of want to finish my goal of getting maxed, and then maybe 99 in some other skills too.

Should I bot if I do this? I don't want to get banned. Also, how bad has EoC hurt combat?

I'm doing the same as you, I have 99 range left to get and EOC has f*cked up chinning so now i have no idea what to do >.<
I'm fairly okay with the idea of doing it legit tbh. It'd be worth something to me then, because only botted 98-99 fishing (I did sharks the entire time to 99, so i got sick of fishing) so most of my stats are legit. Does EoC affect melee in any way?
Why would you risk it by botting? Just do it legit, I'm maxing out too. EOC, if you do it right, gives you about 300K+ combat xp/hr.
That's awesome. I purchased bandos chestplate and tassy, a dfs, and atm im flipping berserker rings so I have one for equipment. Also using dragon defender. I plan to kill armored zombies, and switch to my shield to use rejuvinate ability. Heals me to 3/4 or so. Then, I'll use threshold abilities, whip, and drag defender for normal cb. Good system?
Reaper said:
That's awesome. I purchased bandos chestplate and tassy, a dfs, and atm im flipping berserker rings so I have one for equipment. Also using dragon defender. I plan to kill armored zombies, and switch to my shield to use rejuvinate ability. Heals me to 3/4 or so. Then, I'll use threshold abilities, whip, and drag defender for normal cb. Good system?

Check out guides by Sparc Marc and ChrisArchie.
Darry Trollsten said:
Why would you risk it by botting? Just do it legit, I'm maxing out too. EOC, if you do it right, gives you about 300K+ combat xp/hr.

Do people really still get banned? I bot 20 hours + before eoc using shade's living farm and i wasnt caught. The living farm spot is full of bots too so...if you did get caught, mind telling us what script u used?
Strength said:
Darry Trollsten said:
Why would you risk it by botting? Just do it legit, I'm maxing out too. EOC, if you do it right, gives you about 300K+ combat xp/hr.

Do people really still get banned? I bot 20 hours + before eoc using shade's living farm and i wasnt caught. The living farm spot is full of bots too so...if you did get caught, mind telling us what script u used?

You're an idiot if you bot still, Jagex is cracking down just like that, There are thousands and thousands of bots, The chances of you being banned might be lower, but it could happen over night.
Darry Trollsten said:
Strength said:
Darry Trollsten said:
Why would you risk it by botting? Just do it legit, I'm maxing out too. EOC, if you do it right, gives you about 300K+ combat xp/hr.

Do people really still get banned? I bot 20 hours + before eoc using shade's living farm and i wasnt caught. The living farm spot is full of bots too so...if you did get caught, mind telling us what script u used?

You're an idiot if you bot still, Jagex is cracking down just like that, There are thousands and thousands of bots, The chances of you being banned might be lower, but it could happen over night.
call me an idiot all u want...i refuse to put effort and invest my time into this game
Strength said:
Darry Trollsten said:
Strength said:
Do people really still get banned? I bot 20 hours + before eoc using shade's living farm and i wasnt caught. The living farm spot is full of bots too so...if you did get caught, mind telling us what script u used?

You're an idiot if you bot still, Jagex is cracking down just like that, There are thousands and thousands of bots, The chances of you being banned might be lower, but it could happen over night.
call me an idiot all u want...i refuse to put effort and invest my time into this game

Well, I guess it doesn't matter if you don't care about being banned lol, But for people like Reaper that probably wouldn't want to be banned. Better off just playing legit.
I have over 300 days of botted time on my main. If you know what you are doing, you will be fine.
Yeah, I'm doing it legit. EoC is actually pretty fun to kill things on. But I want to play Xbox and other stuff, so how stunted will my xp/hr be if I don't use those abilities? >_>
Bot when you are playing xbox. Jagex say they are cracking down on bots but i don't think much is going to happen, as long as you bot sensibly you should be fine :)
Reaper said:
Meh, not really worth losing my account I don't think. Plus, what good free bots are there?

Powerbot, nuff' said.
Just do it legit...Don't be lazy, If you care about your account, Don't bot, if you don't care, then mine as well bot lol.
PB has around ~100 scripts that work.