Getting Salvia


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I ordered salvia divinorum 20x extract and it should be here tomorrow. I will have a friend record me and ill post it unless its too embarrassing.

EDIT: Since I ordered it I got first hit. I was smoking out of a bubbler and got a really nice hit. Right after I hit it I gave the bubbler to one of my friends recording and sadly like a idiot he just took a hit and forgot he was even recording.

Now I will describe my trip. It was honestly the WEIRDEST experience probably in my life. There is definitely no way possible to put in words to how I was feeling. I was holding it in for around 12 seconds and I let it out because I felt like dizzy and I fell back in my chair. I tried leaning up then I just fell back and I tried to lean up like 3 times. After that I just couldn't stop laughing for around 2 minutes like you were able to see veins popping out of my forehead and I was drooling because I was laughing so hard. For some strange reason I kept on seeing pictures of tongues and it looked exactly like this 
 I saw about a thousand of these just flashing across my eyes and I felt like I was sticky and I couldn't leave the tongues like I was apart of them. I was scared but then when one of my friends noticed I was curled in a ball-like form he told me it was fine and I went back to laughing uncontrollably. When 5ish minutes past I felt I was going back to normal and I told my friends that but when stood up I felt it all again and started laughing for like 15 seconds.

Overall: It was weird but at the same time funny.. I guess I don't know what was happening nothing even was funny I just couldn't stop laughing.
Put it in your ear it heals ear aches.
Have fun.
OT : I used this before felt like I was in a bubble bouncing back and forth. I hated it ill never use it again. I was told to hit the bong by a old friend thought it was pot and after he told me it was this Smh.
You are going to have fun, if you like tripping.
I don't plan on doing it ever again, I only did it twice.

Both times, I tripped pretty hard.
GL and have a nice trip my brother, PM me the video if its to bad :p
Lmao I have a friend irl who told me not to do it because the trip is too intense. I feel a bit nervous tbh but it only lasts like 5 minutes so fuck it.
Saw a video of a guy doing it and it was crazy. He started laughing and he immediately looked insane. Then he ran off camera shit was bad
California said:
Saw a video of a guy doing it and it was crazy. He started laughing and he immediately looked insane. Then he ran off camera shit was bad
Theres a video of a guy falling out a window on second story building on salvia
You shoulda gone straight to the 80x extract hahaha
Sadly I couldn't get the recording and I honestly probably wouldn't of showed it to you guys I was out of it.

@Abel Tesfaye  

But I described what my trip was like so check that out
Ehhh, I really dislike Salvia, I did it with my best friend and now things are weird between us.. Can't explain it..
Bumping this, just went to a party and everyone was like "yo mike let me get a hit of that saliva" and we had kids lined up in the g bong taking salvia hits and getting fucked up. this one kid hit his head when he was dancing in the bathtub.
Man fuck all of that.  Never going to fuck with any drugs I haven't tried (only weed, but I quit smoking a long time ago)

I'll just stick to alcohol every once in awhile