GF 110M.

Well I just re-logged, and my pass was changed. Brother PM'ed my acc saying "Who's this", Then my acc logged out. Went on my 125 (Probably not the smartest idea) and asked "Who's this", Once again, my acc "Logged out". I didn't have a bank pin because their annoying and personally I hate them, So GF bank, 110M gone.
Oh wow. How did you get hacked?
Ichiii said:
oh shit man, do you think you were keylogged?

I dunno man, I'm scanning my computer now, and if no infections come up I'll still post something n the Whitehat section on HF.. I'm not stupid to download a keylogger though.. Or put my name/pass into a phisher.. Not even my best mate knew my pass (he usually knows it).. So I have no idea how I got hacked.
CorruptionX™ said:
I dunno man, I'm scanning my computer now, and if no infections come up I'll still post something n the Whitehat section on HF.. I'm not stupid to download a keylogger though.. Or put my name/pass into a phisher.. Not even my best mate knew my pass (he usually knows it).. So I have no idea how I got hacked.

Sorry i have no idea man, All i can think of is either you've been keylogged in the past and its the same password you have now, or it was a Very very very luck guess which is basically impossible
You must've ran something infected or been in a rsps server that was infected.

Go to your other accounts on a diffrent computer and change the details.
the_lol said:
You must've ran something infected or been in a rsps server that was infected.

Go to your other accounts on a diffrent computer and change the details.

I have to be keylogged.. I just recovered my account, logged in, got to The RS Lobby, clicked Log-in, said I was already logged in, kicked me to the Log-in and it said my pass was incorrect.. again.

Btw the only RSPS Iv'e used in the past year is Menacescape.. As far as I know it isn't infected.
Well, you could have downloaded an infected long time ago and never knew it. The keylogger person probably didn't act until now probably the explanation which i can come out of this now. Or your trusted friend hacked it, but i highly doubt it.
When you go back on try checking the IP, not highly likely they didn't use a proxy. Then track it back and kill him/her :)
Ichiii said:
Well, you could have downloaded an infected long time ago and never knew it. The keylogger person probably didn't act until now probably the explanation which i can come out of this now. Or your trusted friend hacked it, but i highly doubt it.
When you go back on try checking the IP, not highly likely they didn't use a proxy. Then track it back and kill him/her :)

Well I'm on my account again.. I have bascially nothing left lol. The cheap cunt took literally everything.

Bandos Chest Plate
30M cash
2 Whips
Every arrow, runes, d hide etc.. Even Green D'hide.

Basicially everything worth over 5k lol.

Oh well, I might just quit RS, I'm bored every time I play it, I don't have any RSBot Auths and I have no gp.
CorruptionX™ said:
Well I'm on my account again.. I have bascially nothing left lol. The cheap c*nt took literally everything.

Bandos Chest Plate
30M cash
2 Whips
Every arrow, runes, d hide etc.. Even Green D'hide.

Basicially everything worth over 5k lol.

Oh well, I might just quit RS, I'm bored every time I play it, I don't have any RSBot Auths and I have no gp.

PM his username, I'll look it up and tell you what to bot ;)
I can get you some auths from if you want.
Did you ever use ArbiBots? If so they stole your password.
CorruptionX™ said:
Well I'm on my account again.. I have bascially nothing left lol. The cheap c*nt took literally everything.

Bandos Chest Plate
30M cash
2 Whips
Every arrow, runes, d hide etc.. Even Green D'hide.

Basicially everything worth over 5k lol.

Oh well, I might just quit RS, I'm bored every time I play it, I don't have any RSBot Auths and I have no gp.

Dont quit, I got scammed 100m so we have to just get right back on the horse.
Runescape is too addicting to quit. I tried. I failed.
hehe ill have the account idc if its got no money, no difference to my main lol :D sorry for your loss though :( said:
Runescape is too addicting to quit. I tried. I failed.

Yeah Iv'e tried many times.. I tend to log-in to my account and do nothing.. just stand around..

I think I might DM on my lvl 125..
I just stand around too. It's just the addiction. :p
lol i tend to go GE and flame on noobs asking for money, by giving them money like 200k then declining on the 2nd window. then go oh sorry forgot to click accept, and keep doing that, they actually do it like 10 times in the hope that you might click accept. fking beggers lol.