GF account


Onyx user!
Friend bought me a high leveled account as a present or whatever, it was cheap, had no email, recovs. I bought members, added emails, recoveries.
Long story short it gets recovered, and my plan was to bot for the wilderness and pk.
Better yet, the emails, recoveries, payment details, still get's it denied? What the fuck jagex.
Dispute the payment if your friend payed through paypal :p

I really hate to see this happen, I don't get why people do this...

I'm sorry Purple, I hope everything goes well for you.

Recoveries/No email doesn't mean anything. The owner of the account could of said his ISP to Jagex, and he could of had the same IP when he registered his account.

Good luck :) :thumbsup:
Yeah thanks, I will when he's online next. What I'm pissed about is the members, i had members on account, canceled it mid to put it on this account. Mom keeps getting pissed.
Can you dispute payments given as a gift? Probably not.
Mhm, I'm going to try-hard on recovering it this time. Hopefully it works.
Good luck :)

Try posting alot of information, and don't "ass-kiss" in the appeal.
Jagex denies most of those when it says "PLZ HELP ME MY ACC WAS HACKED, I NEED IT BACK!"
Failed, I'm going to just quit. I see it like this.
1)No one is legit, they will just recover in the end.
2) I'm not wasting years again, my legit account was lost.
3) Not going to keep wasting 5.95 on accounts.
Yeah i know nothing i can do tho.
When someone sells you an account, if their plan was to recover it, they won't give you ALL the details, they'll just give you enough for you to be satisfied. They will always have more info than you; older passwords, membership details.

I've have plenty of bad experiences with buying accounts and it never works out, ever. I'd just make a new account, buy a whole bunch of gold on it and train it yourself.