[Giveaway] Auto Dragonscales Pro [Giveaway]


Onyx user!
I will be giving away my Auto Dragonscale Pro auth. This bot picks up blue dragon scales at the taverly blue dragons dungeon and can supposedly make 300k+ P/H.

I bought this auth two months ago thinking I was going to use it and make alot of money, the problem was i was using it on my pure and with 1 def vs. blue drags I would die almost every trip. I haven't used this auth for about two months so I am giving it away.

To be elgible to win, just post here and in 3 days I will randomize a post number out of all the posts on the thread take a screeny of it , pm the winner with another screeny and then will post the winning screenys here in 3 days.

This auth has a value of 15$ at rsbots.net
i guess ill enter just because
I could really use this :3 70 agility is ftw
I would like to use thIs :)
Forgot about this

I'm closing it here , will draw a winner when i get home

5 entries.
Thanks for being patient, I did the draw, Krypton won and I've pmed him the auth.

### close this thread please.