[Giveaway] GT Huggies

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Skrillex said:
@Poop, I don't think I remember, but can you tell me the story on why you got DWC?
Or too soon?

I made fun of Philly alot, got banned. Asked for a pardon, DWC.
yeah someone buy this so this can come to an end @brave @poop
JohnnyG said:
I have a gut feeling that they would both try and fight but would end up falling to the ground and menstruate on each other.

Bump for justice. And wot is this? A DwC for trolling too much? =S
Dom Kennedy said:
Yea its online bro. It slaps hella hard.

Whats teh name of the mixtape?‏‏‏‏‏
@Bape i honestly want to win MOD OF THE YEAR
Brave said:
I'm srs, lemme buy this......

If you got the money, HMU. It wont cum cheap cause its either giveaway, or sell for a pretty penny.
@Grace Well, you're white and you drink mtn dew like 24/7.
Grace said:
My cock is so fucking small. Seriously.

Ive had that problem for awhile. I just tell myself its hiding for right now untill I find the girl of my dreams.
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