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Active Member
Hey guys im giving the account "DarkJay" away. i just want to give back to the community ! pick a number between 1-10. GL

1. MLP
2. Wink
3. acrocide
4. Poop
5. Ninja
6. High
7. New
8. nike
9. Reaper
10. Kill
Ok cool, ill pick #4. Thanks for the giveaway!
You want to give back to the community? Look at my signature.
I'll take #1,

Good luck everyone...
Founder said:
You want to give back to the community? Look at my signature.

LOL im trying to click on your sig and shit and i finally see your tag is Community, well played!
Could I get number 8 please? Thanks in advance. Good luck to all!
High said:
I would like #6. Thanks. And what does it mean? haha

it doesn't mean anything. It sounds pretty cool to me tho.
Irrational said:
it doesn't mean anything. It sounds pretty cool to me tho.

Oh, haha Yea I guess it does. Thanks for the give away!
Irrational said:
Hey guys im giving the account "DarkJay" away. i just want to give back to the community ! pick a number between 1-10. GL

1. MLP
2. Wink
3. acrocide
4. Poop
6. High
7. New
8. nike
9. Reaper

Número 5 por favor
25 Characters

I'll just take 10 sorry didn't see Lulz
Good luck to everyone a few more places and it should start good luck.
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