
Waifu said:
I know lmao, I misspelled something and then I didn't have 25 letters
Isn't that the worst? My post on the ForumKorner Contest thread by @|Chill was like so many spelling errors and 24 characters. Yet, I still hit the 10,000th post. But they haven't removed all the spam posts yet.
Trap said:
Once spam is deleted, it will shift all the post #'s and thus, I will not be the 10,000th post anymore. So it will continue on.

Ah, I see. But you still have another chance right?
Trap said:
There is no such thing as "normal" or "average". Everyone is so complicated and different...

Skype? I thought this giveaway was for an AIM? Well, I just wasted 48 hours of my non-precious time..

Read the first post. Someone will be randomly picked for the Aim (1-500) and whoever posts the most gets the Skype
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