Giving away 25m (Max Prize 11.1m) (+Additional Prizes)

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Onyx user!
50th Post - Gets 2000k. (2m)
75th Post - Gets 500k
100th Post - Gets 4000k. (4m)
125th Posts Gets - 1000k (1m)
150th Post - Gets 8000k. (8m)
175th Post - Gets 2000k. (2m)
200th Post - Gets 11.1m.

I will also be giving away auths to random numbers I have written down in a note pad. (20 people will receive an auth with the email also)

EDIT: There is a special prize for 5 members at a certain posts; I will PM you a question and you will have to get it right within 2 minutes.
If there is a tie on the question I will ask another.

and if you manage to guess my birthday (Year, Month and Day) you will receive a Red H'ween Mask. (You have unlimited amount of tries.)

So, this has a topic.
Do you have any pets, do you like animals etc?

I have a cat which is black and bites me all the time.

Enjoy and have fun.
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

This seems like a big spam thread haha.

Might as well make a conversation with someone atleast on this thread while waiting for the post to come.
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

must.. post.. later...

Phantomkiller42 said:
This seems like a big spam thread haha.

Might as well make a conversation with someone atleast on this thread while waiting for the post to come.

how r you? lol
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

I feel like giving away, I will also make sure every post in this thread is on topic and high quality.
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

Well, might as well make this go by faster, so here's 1 to the overall post count.

Good luck and congrats to those who win.
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

Goood luck everyone, this is an easy way to get posts...maybe this should be held in lobby?
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

Crysis said:
I feel like giving away, I will also make sure every post in this thread is on topic and high quality.

How would posts be on here be on topic and high quality?

Can't really be talking about you giving away gold for 150+ posts.
RE: Giving away 2.5m (Max Price 1.1m)

Honestly you should make it like 30-40-50 for the my opinion
RE: Giving away 25m (Max Price 11.1m) (+Additional Prizes)

Why do you say carbon? lol, but yeah good luck to everyone!
I have 4 cats, 2 dogs, 3 hamsters, a rabbit and 27 fish.
papapopo said:
I have 4 cats, 2 dogs, 3 hamsters, a rabbit and 27 fish.

That's a lot of pets you have there!

What are there names?
This should be held in the lobby, so the posts doesn't count.
This just raises someone RG Points.(If it counts in this forum).
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