Giving away 50k Koins!


Power member.
Rules, You must be:
-Onyx or Power(or Power+)
-Must have at least 300 post
-Must be active
-Have fun will choose winner 1-10 pick one number

1. Dime
2. Famous
3. Zak
4. Nemesis
6. Nulled
7. Zeus
8. Eight
9. Coin
10. Walk

Probably the largest give away of Koins yet!
Holy shit that's a lot of koins, I'll take number 3 please.
EDIT: yeah, I'm fucking retarded, y u fucking no give away koins!
Please go pick up a bottle of bleach at your local supermarket and quench your thirst with it.
Had you two going, best feeling ever.
Nulled said:
if its real i go for number Six thanks lol

You have been added to the OP sir.
Eight said:
Ill get my lucky number Eight, thanks

Your number has been added to the OP sir.
I would expect Crate to fall for it, dumb noob.
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