Giving away Gold come pick a #


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Winners come get your prize - PM me
Other people Wait for a few hours and try again in my new contest=P
Giving away 3m

1m to each person

I'm going to make a list of 15 people and Use random number gen and Yea what ever # it lands on that person will get 1m each

So pick a # from 1-15 and yea 1 person per number

7- C-_-M
8-Pink Floyd
10- All day win
13-Fat match
14-automatic coding
I'm poor right now but I'm not going so low as guessing a number for 1M.
I'm feeling #13. like a goddamn baws :cool2:
Its ok if automatic dun want to be in the contest for free $ then w.e
I do contests in small quantities few mil here few mil there

Instead of the big contests where you get Lots of money Where kids just go nuts and try to hard or cheat or w.e

This makes it fun and simple to do=P
Numba 12 please sir.

Yes it's fun, no pressure whatsoever. If you win, yay scored a mil by typing a message, if you don't win, ah well, no stress.
14, if I win give it to "starz_mybbimport_1334" or whatever his name is, he's a poor mother fucker. Was begging me for 40k...
Automatic Coding said:
14, if I win give it to "starz_mybbimport_1334" or whatever his name is, he's a poor mother fucker. Was begging me for 40k...

dude can i please have 39999gp? I really need it for some bones... xD
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