Giving away my lvl 117 main

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in 1 week someone will get my level 117 account with reoccuring members and 20m cash. All you have to do to win is comment why you deserve this account and what you would do with the 20m
I think i deserve this account because i have been playing Runescape since 2006 and i have alot of expierence with the game and i have alot of time to level up and make more money with the account. Also i would take great care of the account because it sounds like a nice account and i havent had a high leveled account in a long time because of haxorz. Also i would be dedicated to play the account alot and would make the account even better then it already is. With the money i would use it to buy supplies for quest's, Skills, and to make it look Beast. Lastly i would love to have the account and i would strongly appriciate having it and making it mine.
I think i deserve to win as i am a very active member and i contribute to the community. Also, i am in need of getting back into rs as i would have to start again. Thanks for hosting this contest!
I think i deserve the account, i have played runescape since 2004 (11 years old and couldn't speak english). And i had that account untill 2011 where i lost it to a key logger on my computer, since then i have had alot of bad accounts, all i have now is a level 64 with like 240k on, that have nothing at all, i really need a fresh start on something, so i can get the feeling back i had 1 year ago. Btw my account from 2004 was combat level 100 with 99 fishing, fletching, wc, fm and 96 thief, and none other skill below 50, so i was so sad when i lost it, i also lost my e-mail wich was binded to the account, wich included my steam account to. So that was a major set-back in my gaming, but i got my steam account back after a week. I would use the 20m to get some nice armour to duel me the way to some millions for a rare.

P.S I am 19 year old, so it's not some kid who get the account and waste it on shit, and lose it after a week.

hi, i think i deserve this because i have had enough problems with runescape, money wise and level wise... i always rune out of money and have been hacked a lot. i would really appreciate this as i would love to be that combat level i would use the 20m to finally get somewhere on runecape and would buy some things for skilling.

Thanks for reading
I think I should be given an account, because I feel that with it, I'd be able to attain something in my runescape career. Without it, I'd never attain what's tangible to many.
I think i truly deserve the account, since i have played runescape since 2005 and i didnt know anything at the time so i didnt get any santa hat and stuff.... buti have alot of expierence with the game and i have alot of time to level up and make more money with the account I took breaks but i still play rs right now. level 73 only right now :/ I got nothing on this account good. I would take super goo care of this account and will keep play it! I never had such a high level account before! I would use half the money for trainning and the other half donating it for people in the rs community in need. I promise i will take super care of it!
- Thank so much bro for posting this giveaway! Rep!!!
ur a major contributor to the community!
Is that you Garren....?
I deserve to win as I have posted 15~17 tutorials on this website alone to contribute to this forum.
I am helpful.
I love pie.
I love you.
And i love the 117,then comes 69.

I don't deserve this, nor does anyone else more than me. If anything, an Ethiopian kid could use $10-15 dollars well, plus if someone were to sell the account, another $30 or so.

No one deserves this any more than anyone else, so do a random number thing, or donate the 20m cash to RAF and give the account to some bitch for a pic of her tits.
I think everyone deserves a little bit of money right? Yes, the money could go for a lot of things in game, but to some other people the game is more than money. Its about friendship and friendship can go a long ways with or without it. I would happen to distrubute the money evenly within the clan that I own only because I think they look up to me like a role model, and not just any ordinary player. I could just be saying this to get the money anyways, but im just not that kind of person. I was recently scammed 12.6m from my best friend who has been in-game with me for 5 years. I didnt go REPTAR or anything like that on him but I let him know that i hope what he has done was wrong and no one, not even from the clan he was in was to forgive him. I never seen the money since, and i didnt even report the guy. I gave him a phone call though explaining that alot of people we're mad at him and he doesnt feel the slightest butt hurt. I would really appreciate if I won the money and the account b/c once again i think it would go a long ways towards friendship, Not just in clan but out of clan as well. And i know you cant bribe people with money, but its not bribing, im actually willing to distribute it evenly with my clan members. I look to them like they look to me, and if anyone derserves that money it should be them. I think this is why I should win this contest. Through self-confidence and determination I hope a good winner is chosen. May the best person win! Over and out!

Insane Soldiers
Well, if this is still going on, I would like to make my statement for wanting this account - I started playing in 2007, Not really a veteran. But I've had my fair share of high-leveled exposure, such as slayer and the new high-leveled content that comes out. If you like, just take the cash out and I'll use the account. I always try to quit RuneScape. but I come back for one reason: I need 138 combat. But where do I start? With this 117! I hope I win, Because it would be a great break.

Good luck to other people.
I lol'ed at all of your guys post.. Here's why I should get the account. I suck. Thanks!
I think i should get it as my main account just got hacked :O it was lvl 100 with 3 lvl 99s and i would really love if u gave it 2 me if u do i will give ulimated gfx for free here is some of our work

our gfx name is vector nd milkshake
and also this would help us alot in making rsmvs and we would give u shout out in our vid when we make it!
I think that I deserve this account because in the summer I will be starting university. I won't have as much time to play runescape and lvl my mage/range pure. i think that if I had a lvl 117 it would make it easier for me due to the lvl 117 having higher skills. If I had the 20m i would probably give it away since I already have 10mil on my account and because Treb thinks i'm a leecher so i would like to give back to the community (Prove that fag wrong).
i need this acc ive been playing runescape since ii was 7 and no im 17 my acc got hacked in 2012 march 25th i heard bout this place it was 99 in everythingg expe attack str consturction and def i was a skiller and he changed my name so i pray im win this

pretty much copying my post but meh?
No one here deserves but you decide who wins pick me !
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