Giving Away Semi Original Gamertag [Fielded]

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Active Member

Hey guys. I'm holding a contest in celebration of Forum Korner's new theme and 10,000 posts. Expect more giveaways in the future!


Past participle, past tense of the verb field
Field (Verb):
1. To catch or pick up (the ball) in play.
2. To place (a player, group of players, or a team) in the field to play.
3. To place in competition.
4. To answer or reply skillfully.
5. To put into action or on duty.


- Must have atleast 35 posts.

How To Enter:

Pick a number that has not been chosen. Once all the spots have been taken, I will pick a random number from to pick the winner.

1. Sharp
2. tuffguy2006
3. Jon
4. Cube
5. Redhotmo
6. Scarecrow
7. Anaerobics
8. Kieran
9. Keysurfer
10. Phantom
11. JumpingLimaBean
12. Scarecrow
14. Phobia
15. Kieran
16. Phear
17. Made
18. Flare
19. Coby13
20. Material
Let me get # 17 man. Thanks
Thanks for such a great giveaway, Goodluck everyone :p
Please give me spot 14! thanks!
Hmm, I will take number 16.

Thanks for holding this giveaway.
Cosmo here, Philly changed my username for me, so can you change me in the contest? I'm #12
Scarecrow said:
Cosmo here, Philly changed my username for me, so can you change me in the contest? I'm #12
Ok I changed it for you.
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