Giving away.

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You make it out as if I hate people, I don't, Look at my reputation, I have helped a lot of people out. I will never respect every single person, there are scammers and incredibly stupid people on this site. I do respect people that earn my respect, I don't toss it out easily. Whilst at the same time, I don't hate everyone. You got the wrong idea. I'm not a monster, I just want to see people at least attempt to up their grammar. If not, that's fine. They aren't my children.
Alright is no one else going to say it?

A giveaway took about 3 days to get 100 posts, and this one is set for 1,500. This is kind of a high bar to meet haha.
Going for this, thanks for the giveaway.
@n0x I will say this, this AIM is worth quite a bit, me giving it away is quite generous and I have had it for a few months so it is secure..
I honestly never thought about giving this away and I am still wondering why I posted this thread.
@Patch I have been planning this and I want it to me a long time giveaway so it gives every single person on this forum a chance to get it.
@n0x will do.
It's not about respecting everyone. It's not about making everybody have good grammar. It's about respecting those who are respectful, and finding a medium of communication.

PS: Consider my posts in the giveaway.
Patch said:
@Matigo Nooooooo! Why did you change it from 250 to 1,500?! There goes my chance of getting it lmao

hahah, your chance is still there, dedication my friend.
@Envy anyone who posts on this is in the contest so no worries.
@Color you have a swear word on your profile or in your usertitle so I can't even see the PM's you have sent to me.
giveaways like this are stupid as fuck
I can confirm, @Matigo told me what AIM it is, and this AIM is fucking OG as fuck, WOW.
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