Would you ever give a beggar change?
Walk by someone on the street with a sign, claiming they haven't eaten real food in days, and hand them food? How did you feel afterwards? How often have you shared something with a homeless person? Ever ended badly?
Most people I know, argue about why it's "unfair" for homeless to just sit and beg all day, meanwhile they have to go out and work jobs for money. Or how "when you give someone who is homeless money, they just spend it on drugs and alcohol".
Do you share the same beliefs as those people? if so, why?
If you ignore them, how does it make you feel to walk right past someone while trying not to make eye contact? You ever regret doing so?
Walk by someone on the street with a sign, claiming they haven't eaten real food in days, and hand them food? How did you feel afterwards? How often have you shared something with a homeless person? Ever ended badly?
Most people I know, argue about why it's "unfair" for homeless to just sit and beg all day, meanwhile they have to go out and work jobs for money. Or how "when you give someone who is homeless money, they just spend it on drugs and alcohol".
Do you share the same beliefs as those people? if so, why?
If you ignore them, how does it make you feel to walk right past someone while trying not to make eye contact? You ever regret doing so?