Next two people to supply me a account that has -68 magic bonus, enough runes to get 80-99 magic using stun-alch AND is 80+ magic. I'll bot to 99 magic for you for free.
I want to test "ArteMagic" (premium RSBuddy magic script).
I check my bots once every 4 hours while I'm awake and RSBuddy has never failed a random for me. I'll be botting stun-alch under the magic guild so low chance of ban (no one there and every random solved).
Will be 24/7ed on a legit UK IP.
I want to test "ArteMagic" (premium RSBuddy magic script).
I check my bots once every 4 hours while I'm awake and RSBuddy has never failed a random for me. I'll be botting stun-alch under the magic guild so low chance of ban (no one there and every random solved).
Will be 24/7ed on a legit UK IP.