Goodbye from Bud

i feel ya man and thanks for the help when i first started (a few weeks ago lol) but seriously im 26 and work full time you dont have to give up something you enjoy, just take a break from it until you are used to school and stuff yo
slacker227 said:
i feel ya man and thanks for the help when i first started (a few weeks ago lol) but seriously im 26 and work full time you dont have to give up something you enjoy, just take a break from it until you are used to school and stuff yo
i see what your saying. I prolly want completely quit but it cant take over my life and distract me from other things such as my school work!
No Bud! Don't leave you were one of my closest FK buddies!
Yo goodluck with everything man And i appreciate your giveaways, they are the best!
that is understandable, its like anything else man its good in moderation (don quijotis beer) lol
You are a great person bud, and I wish you the best of luck with your marks
Bye man, I've seen your giveaways, you're a nice member. I hate to see you go.
Later bud, best giveaways ive seen and you were a great member GL with school
thanks everybody!! I never been this close to people on a forum before!!
See ya bro. Good luck with school! Thanks for all the great giveaways! You will be missed!
Too bad we didnt get to meet! Have fun and good luck in school!
see ya bud you will be missed for u and ur great give aways see ya bud
See you Bud, don't know who you are.

You should get that Onyx transferred to someone else.
[?] said:
See you Bud, don't know who you are.

You should get that Onyx transferred to someone else.

Why should he? Good Luck bud.
[?] said:
See you Bud, don't know who you are.

You should get that Onyx transferred to someone else.

haha yeah why should i.. ill still be on some.. just no more than an hour a day! btw school is great. I love being a senior
Farewell bud never really knew you but gl in life
Damn Bro, I hate to see you go. I still remember that random friend request i got from you on Possibility like it was yesterday Good luck in the future man. Be sure to keep in touch on xbox my kill feeding homie.
hate to see you leave. but your making the right choice, growing up and worrying about real life. good luck out there!! hahahaha.
Sad to see you go bro, i'll miss you, hopefully you'll return