Google Drive Site Hosting


Active Member
You can now create sites in Google Drive, but it's just a nice trick, not a full-fledged feature. To get started, create a new folder, right-click the folder and use the "share" feature to make the folder public. All the files of the site you want to create will be placed inside this folder.

Unfortunately, you can't create the HTML, JS and CSS files in Google Drive using the default apps, so you need install a third-party app like Drive Notepad, Neutron Drive or create these files using a native text editor or HTML editor. Make sure you have all the required files, including a file named index.html. When you upload the files to the folder you've just created, disable the conversion option.

Click the index.html file and then click the "Preview" button to see a live version of your homepage. The files are hosted at and have long URLs you can't customize. Here's an example.

Get details: google-drive-site-hosting.html
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