Greeds og shop

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Mason said:
Once I get the funds I may pick up a YouTube off of you.

Sounds good mate I need money atm.
Still selling these hit me up!
Just added a bunch of accounts hmu if interested in those!
Just added a bunch of accounts hmu if interested in those!
These are very very sick man when I get some cash IM buying
still selling this shit, please hmu will use mm.
these are really nice, would you accept a trade from
mine is
Still selling shit, HMU, I don't want stuff sorry.
Some guy on HF is selling Youtube/Strong.
‏F‏‏ said:
Some guy on FK is selling Youtube/Strong.
I sold strong 2 days ago, ill take it off list sorry forgot.
Just bought Clover for $60 BTC, Abel MM'd, went fairly smooth.
Hey would you trade Jackass kick for @scaring on instagram?
Hey greed, some sexy stuff you have here!
How much do you want /monkey for?
I'm sending you a PM right now I really want Jackass
Still selling all this shit, Hmu.
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