Legacy had the color first and Eternal than changed to a similar
color. Now, I'm not saying they've copied them. But this is also a issue with Marketers and Horror. Even though Horror is a little bit of orange, It could still get mixed up.
Please make it so only 1 group can have 1 specific color!?
Legacy had the color first and Eternal than changed to a similar
color. Now, I'm not saying they've copied them. But this is also a issue with Marketers and Horror. Even though Horror is a little bit of orange, It could still get mixed up.
Please make it so only 1 group can have 1 specific color!?
Well they tried copying Eternal's usergroup's star images too. They also attempted to have the administrator and staff username styling, just throwing that out there. It's idiotic.
I have been saying this for awhile. Similar colors to groups should not be aloud. When we run out of colors. Then that is something that could be thought about.
I just want people to stick with one color. I think the most I have accomplished today was changing groups, and group colors all day long. Thats pretty sad.
I just want people to stick with one color. I think the most I have accomplished today was changing groups, and group colors all day long. Thats pretty sad.
Just seemed to me like Eternal went through 20+ username styling changes which they didn't even keep. They still haven't decided upon a final styling, it's stupid in my opinion.
Oh yeah, and Philly, mind checking my PM? It's regarding Superior's stars.. hehe.
I just want people to stick with one color. I think the most I have accomplished today was changing groups, and group colors all day long. Thats pretty sad.
i dont think you understand the fact we spent 100$+ on a usergroup. We will not keep it same as when we first made it. We want our own groups to look great because it our money that went into it so.. i hope you understand